Validator for ExtJS Checkbox

Very unfortunately ExtJS doesn’t offer a validator for its checkbox component. Normally a validator checks whether a field is valid and takes care of displaying an error message if not. For a checkbox we would like that to happen if the checkbox is not selected. Overriding the validate function of the checkbox we can provide such a functionality for all checkbox instances we are about to create: Ext.form.Checkbox.prototype.validate = function(){ if (this....

February 20, 2009 · 1 min · admin

Generic error handler for ExtJS

When you are doing client/server communication with ExtJS you probably run into the problem that you want to handle server side errors in a generic way. A solution that I found is to override the handleFailure function in the class: =; = function(response, e) { var errorText = Ext.DomQuery.selectValue("Reason/Text", response.responseXML, "Unknown Error"); Ext.Msg.alert('Error', errorText);, response, e); }; This handler simply is called whenever a server side failure occurs....

February 9, 2009 · 1 min · admin