More than 100 results using the search-job API in Splunk

If you’re using the @splunk/search-job API and want to return more than the 100 results (the default value), you’ll have to pass count to the getResults function, e.g.: new SearchJob.create({ search: myQuery, }).getResults({ count: 500 });

December 14, 2021 · 1 min · admin

Mapping types using the Splunk search-job API

In case you’re using the @splunk/search-job API you might find it annoying that the properties of the returned objects are all of type string. To fix this, I wrote a little type mapper (The unit test shows how to use it):

December 9, 2021 · 1 min · admin

Using the Dashboard API from a Splunk visualization

How to use the Dashboard API from a Splunk visualization (e.g. to reload the datasource):

November 25, 2021 · 1 min · admin

Google Maps API for Flex

As I pointed out before, it’s unfortunately not possible to use Flex components as info windows for Google Maps. Another issue is that the map is not available as a Flex component itself, therefore it’s a bit complicated to use it in Flex. So I thought to address these issues in a little Google Maps API for Flex that you can download here under BSD license. With openFlexInfoWindows I also added a method that allows you to use multiple Flex components as info window at once - nicely seperated in tabs....

September 9, 2008 · 1 min · admin