Ext already provides a component to select multiple items. The thing I do not like about it is that it covers too much space on the screen. Therefore I thought of a component that initially looks like a combo box and then opens a new window to let the user select the items.
As a nice example tells more than thousand words - here it is:
As you can see, it is actually based on the component provided by the Ext examples.
And here’s the source code for the example:
var model = new Ext.data.SimpleStore({
fields: ['label', 'value'],
data: [['Homer', 1], ['Marge', 2], ['Maggie', 3], ['Bart', 4], ['Lisa', 4]]
var panel = new Ext.FormPanel({
frame: true,
labelWidth: 50,
width: 300,
items: [{
fieldLabel: 'I like',
xtype: 'singleLineMultiSelect',
store: model,
anchor: '90%',
mode: 'local',
displayField: 'label',
fromLegend: 'available',
toLegend: 'selected',
valueField: 'value',
deleteText: 'delete',
emptyText: 'Which Simpsons do you like?'
var element = Ext.query('script[src$=ext-multiselector.js]')[0];
var renderElement = element.parentNode;
Altough the example binds an in-memory store, you can also use an external store. If so, please remove the mode
property - similar to a combo box.
Update: You can find this code and all my other ExtJS components bundled in a library called ’extensive’. Enjoy the code and feel free to support the project by participating.